PowerPoint Presentation

Meet Syntronic at MWC Las Vegas 2024, the largest connectivity event in North America, on October 8-10! Our team looks forward to sharing our expertise in advanced product and systems development.

With offices across the globe, Syntronic is a global leader in delivering innovative solutions within telecom, automotive, industrial, connected devices, and medtech. Our extensive experience and high capacity empower us to provide support across the entire lifecycle of a product or service, from the R&D stage to NPI, manufacturing, and the aftermarket phase.

Join us at booth 1308 in the main exhibition hall Las Vegas Convention Center. Our team will be ready for conversations about your R&D and NPI needs, as well as about your production and aftermarket requirements. We look forward to connecting with you!

Highligted information

Syntronic is a leading design house specializing in advanced product and systems development, production, and aftermarket services. Among our customers and partners are some of the world’s most technology intensive businesses and organizations in sectors such as telecom, automotive, industrial and medtech.

Read more here

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