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Aykut Argun, Algorithm Developer

“Our research contributes to making people’s lives better”

Will today’s algorithms become tomorrow’s lifesavers? Yes, says our researcher Aykut Argun, who develops automotive safety systems at Syntronic Gothenburg.

In this interview, Aykut talks about his passion for science and innovation – as well as for photography, stargazing, and a unique sport known as foot volleyball.


Imagine a person who is equally comfortable studying convolutional neural networks and taking professional pictures of adorable dogs in hats. A person who is committed to improving people’s lives through AI research, but who also loves feeling insignificant under a sky full of stars.

Imagine that this person co-wrote his own coursebook to give students better literature when teaching a masters-level course in physics. Finally, imagine that he is the president of a Swedish footvolley team and that he laughs animatedly at the remark “you seem to have a great life”. Meet Aykut – a jack and master of many trades.

“I do have a great life. That’s true,” Aykut muses. “I don’t have the time to watch TV, but I have the time for everything that I love.”

Expertise in machine learning algorithms

On the list of things that Aykut loves, algorithm development has prominent place. His interest in artificial intelligence grew strong when he pursued in PhD in physics at the University of Gothenburg.

“I have a passion for creating solutions via data-driven methods and develop them into usable software."

“It was at that time, around 2017, that developers began to grasp the true potential of AI. Scientists broke new ground, for instance through using deep learning algorithms that made machines powerful enough to beat humans at complex strategy games,” he remembers.

“I was inspired by that journey. I took an interest in machine learning algorithms and how they can be used to analyze microscopic data."

"In a project, we applied deep learning to microscopical images that couldn’t be analyzed with standard algorithms. The results were above all expectations. We quickly realized that we were onto something valuable.”

AI's promising potential

After completing his Ph.D., Aykut spent nine months as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Gothenburg.

He authored scientific papers and inspired students to discover how stimulations can be developed in programming languages such as Python, MATLAB, and C.

“I have a passion for creating solutions via data-driven methods and develop them into usable software. AI and deep learning continue to fascinate me. It still has huge potential – we are only just getting started. It’s amazing to be a part of it,” Aykut shares.

Positive working environment

As an innovator in his field, Aykut could choose from a platter of possibilities after his post-doc.

“I had many offers but chose to join Syntronic since I enjoy the friendly atmosphere, positive working environment, and multicultural vibe here,” he says.

I enjoy the friendly atmosphere, positive working environment, and multicultural vibe here".

Systems for safer roads

Today, Aykut is involved in the development of advanced driving development systems, such as, for instance, active safety solutions.

“Scientists always ask themselves ethical questions. We ask: ‘Does my research contribute to making the world a better place?’”

“For me, the answer is yes to 100 %. At Syntronic, I’m involved in R&D projects aimed at promoting road safety. Our research can only contribute to making people’s lives better.”

Sports and creative outlets

On a personal level, astrophotography and foot volleyball rank high on Aykut’s list of passions. As the president of the Gothenburg Footvolley Club, he is vested in his team’s development and regularly participate in training weekends in various Swedish cities.

Space, stars, and photography also have an irresistible appeal to the young scientist. He enjoys taking professional pictures of the night sky – preferably from the mountains of Tenerife in Spain, where he sometimes spends entire nights.

“Knowing that I’m taking pictures of objects that are many lightyears away is a humbling feeling. It makes me feel small and puts life into perspective,” he concludes.



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